Sunday, August 5, 2012

what is a woman?

If a woman never marries is she less of a woman?
If a woman never bears a child is she less of a woman?
If a woman feeds her family KFC instead of free range home roasted is she less of a woman?
If a woman is more educated than most men is she less of a woman?
If a woman supports herself and has no man to fix her facet is she less of a woman?
If a woman isn't a Victoria Secret ad every moment or just at night is she less of a woman?
If cancer or some other means takes a woman's breasts or uterus from her is she less of a woman?

What is a woman?

Just putting the question out there because I am concerned. I have been thinking a lot lately about what a means to be a christian woman and just a woman overall. Are woman molded in the world of christian community to be a certain thing and when they aren't or don't fit the mold, are they then outcasts in some sense? Do they become cast off good-nice-christian-girls? They clean up alright but just didn't make the cut of other women...

We live in a world very different from the one that is the ideal maybe God intended. I don't know. God allowed every moment that has happened, to happen, so its not like its a shock to him. Women especially here in the western world have access and freedom that are denied many of their gender elsewhere. Women here can and do support themselves honorably. Their is no man to "lead the family"and these women aren't to be blamed or despised for that "lack." Women in every situation whether traditional or non are doing the best they can with what they have to work with.

I think we as women need to start looking at each other as sisters and friends, the eye should be filled with generosity and compassion when we look upon those of us from the "fairer sex." We should seek to know one another and love each other for who we are, while gently being there to push each other towards all God wants us to be. "What God wants us to be" is the key phrase, for the path of some women is certainly not the path of all. One woman's destiny isn't like that of every other woman and the sooner we see that, the more authentic we all can be. Seek out what connects us and not what pushes us apart, look and see the daughter of God in all of us.