Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Attention: takers abusers users

This has been swirling around for awhile in my mind. Conversations and observations building up. Why do men seem to have no conscience? I mean how can they unashamedly admit to using women only for sexual gratification? Have they no soul? Are they jaded monsters? Why is misogyny so fucking popular? Let me clue you in on something if you happen to be douche bag prick who wandered upon this blog by fated luck- whatever woman it was that hurt you or disenchanted you from being a decent human being - not all women are like that woman. Just because one of us was a dumbass doesn't make all of us like that. There is no excuse to treat with disrespect any other being, even when they themselves are willing to be wounded victims. Those that are vulnerable most need looking after not predators circling overhead. These women you take to bed and forget after coming and going they are more than their intangibles even if they don't know it. You know better, I know you do.

I mean nothing sexist by this post. I know that women can be capable just as much as men of duplicity and selfishness. I am not targeting any specific person. This is just a general post I'm putting out there because I think it needs to be considered. Think about self-control and self-respect. Please don't trade a moments pleasure for a lifetimes regret. There is something at stake when two people have sex. We all have value and its not found solely in our ability to get one another off. Seriously, treat others how you wanted to be treated in the bedroom and out of it. Grow up.