Tuesday, January 1, 2013

an all new alive

Again I discover another part of life and it undoes all I thought I once knew. Again I face the truth how little I know of life and believe I will say that even if I live to be old. We are shown constantly the wonderful possibilities life has to offer but we're often too often blind to see them. We go so fast through life with a legion of distractions that we can't see all the wonder that surrounds us and makes life worth living. Or maybe we are just not ready to appreciate things the moment we seem, maybe we need the perspective time passing can give us.

If we would but stop and look, we would be astounded at the love all around us. All kinds of love. There is the love of parent for child which you can see as they bundle them up before facing the bitter cold and as they take their smaller hand in theirs to cross the street. There is the love of burning passion you can see in among two young lovers kissing in the stationary section of Barnes&Noble or holding hands at Starbucks. There is the love of time between a man holding his wife's hand in the oncology ward as the IV solution drips on. There is the love of friendship among those who seek to understand and listen without judgement. There is much love. It is everywhere. It's all around us in the darkest of spaces in the most unlikely of places - it is there. And we get to contribute to it. We get to add love to this world in a myriad of different way. The possibilities of the New Year, the new day - they are endless. ox