Thursday, March 17, 2022

ok, child?

There was song playing earlier this morning and this lyric stood out: "give me a childlike heart."

I feel like we're constantly told to mature, grow-up, handle it, be independent, be strong, if you aren't progressing or advancing or hitting it with maximum effort every second - you're failing God, failing the world, failing your family, failing your friends. 

In a class I was in recently the teacher said she wants God to look at her and be proud of what she did at the end of the day. That rubbed me wrong. As if our own efforts and actions are to be praised and found what, worthy of what we don't deserve in the first place? Found worthy by our efforts of what we mercifully have by God's grace through faith in Christ? Who am I to say that I did "good" today; what do I know of good but what I know through Jesus our savior. 

Life is hard and complex and messy. It's a wrestling match. Found best in the struggle, the weighing tensions of life. 

“Give me a childlike heart” with that I felt something inside saying:

I don’t need you to be Me
I’m the Father. 
That makes you the child. 
And with Me, that is ok, right, and safe.
Ok, child?


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