Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Another amazing day and I'm not being sarcastic oddly enough. It's one of those days when you have everything you need and nothing you don't. Good music playing in the background. Adequate time to for work and ample time for play. Nice company and friendly faces. It's just been a really good day. Those need times like that to be specially marked; to bank them so there is something to look back upon when life isn't so "amazing."

I have recently come to find that I sometimes get bogged down in minutely explaining something when all that I really need to do is just say it plain. Don't use 20 words when 5 will do, you know what I mean. Be clear. There's no need to use a lot of fancy words and showing off. There is a verse from The Bible coming to mind, "...don’t babble on and on as other people do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again..."

I think my tendency to get lost when I am writing and to wander off comes from the desire I have to be understood which isn't necessarily a bad thing but understanding isn't all one sided. All we can do is put ourselves out there intelligently, honestly, wisely and what people understand of that, isn't up to us or in our control.

I've recently embarked on a completely new phase of existence. I find myself finally and suddenly (both equal and at the same time) in a relationship. Never been in a relationship before. This is very sudden for me. I have no idea what this really means exactly or what I'm supposed to do. I mention this because it occurred to me today that relationships stretch us. There is a whole new element (a.k.a. "the boyfriend") that wasn't there before and it comes with it's own variables - parents, history, friends, experiences, debts, dreams. I have to be stretchable, inclusive to many pieces that a make a whole person and that needs to be mutual. The scale of traversing new territory goes from exhilarating ecstasy beyond measure to blind terrifying uncertainty filled with doubt. Yeah, sorry to be extreme.

I consider myself an intuitive person, one who picks up on subtleties and micro-expressions to borrow a term from the canceled show Lie to Me. But the truth actually might be that I over-intuit, I over-examine, I look too long without blinking that I see things that aren't there. You might ask, "Why would I or anyone do that?" The humble answer is, it comes from life with a history of shockers that left the world completely upside down and the erroneous belief that I should've seen that coming somehow.

I don't want to over think this but at the same time I don't want to stop thinking period. Hmm...

One of the synonyms for stretch is embellish of all things. It connects with the definition of stretch that means, "to adapt or extend the scope of (something)." I think that's not a bad goal; may the me/you/us of your world be strengthened and benefited by the necessity of stretching. xo

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