Sunday, May 26, 2019

We Can Do Nothing

This Sunday Stateline Church's services were dedicated to to preparing meals for Kids Around the World and One Meal. It was a really great experience and a chance to reflect on the great blessings we take for granted everyday - like having running water in our homes, food in our cupboards, and the ability to go to church and worship Christ so openly. As I was driving home I reflected on God's goodness and what our service to God should look like.

John Piper writes in his book Desiring God:
In John 15:5, Jesus says, “Apart from me you can do nothing.” So we really are paralyzed. Without Christ, we are capable of no Christ-exalting good. As Paul says in Romans 7:18, “Nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh.” 
But John 15:5 also says that God does intend for us to do much Christ-exalting good, namely bear fruit: “Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit.” So as our strong and reliable friend — “I have called you friends” (John 15:15) — he promises to do for us, and through us, what we can’t do for ourselves.  
How then do we glorify him? Jesus gives the answer in John 15:7: “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” We pray! We ask God to do for us through Christ what we can’t do for ourselves — bear fruit.  
John 15:8 gives the result: “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit.” 
So how is God glorified by prayer? Prayer is the open admission that without Christ we can do nothing. And prayer is the turning away from ourselves to God in the confidence that he will provide the help we need.
Oh merciful, generous Father. We thank you for the blessing you have given us in just knowing who you are - your goodness, faithfulness, and love. It's the greatest blessing anyone can have - to know you and your son Jesus whom you have sent. Today our goal was to make 75,000 meals for those in the devastated and impoverished regions of the world. We offer up every grain of rice and packet of vitamins to you - and ask you to bless it and that those who receive it, not only get full stomachs but everlasting life in knowing You and Your Son whom you sent. Purify our minds to think the way you think. Purge our hearts of pride, materialism ,and apathy. We are your temple and we ask the Holy Spirit to come and move our hearts to love with your love. We can do nothing apart from you Jesus. Use today's work to glorify you and your name. Amen.

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