Sunday, November 17, 2019

Spoil Me

When you ponder how you want your life to look like now and in the future, it isn't wrong that you think to yourself, "I want to be able to spoil (or a.k.a. bless) my children and my grandchildren."

That's a good thing to want.

But be able to spoil and bless them how? With stuff? With trinkets and toys? With trips and adventures? With a sharing of hobbies? How do you want and what do you want to spoil them with? What would it look like? What is the end result?

I would say, humbly, that the biggest spoils in my life were never toys or trinkets. I was spoiled/blessed most when I was given shared time, shared trust, and shared truth. Those are what were valuable and long-lasting and meaningful and "spoiled" me - those things blessed me then in the moment and the memory of them continues to bless me now, though many years have gone by. Words of Gods truth and knowledge of Him and kindness bubbling forth like from a spring - are worth more than a 1000 video games and 100 trips to Disney. It was the connection that has lasted not the confections.

Spoil your children and grandchildren with the greatest thing you can spoil anyone with - by glorifying God in what you say, and do, and eat, and drink, and watch, and read - in all you do. (1 Corinthians 10:31) Let them see that your spoiling of them springs from your joy and zeal in God. Be so filled with the goodness of God you must share it with others. Remember: Happiness is only real when shared, be happy in God. xo

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