Saturday, October 24, 2020

Remember your first Love

“learn to do good; 
seek justice, correct oppression; 
bring justice to the fatherless, 
plead the widow's cause.”
Isaiah 1:17 

I remember one of things that first drew me to the God of the Bible was the fact that this is a God who cared about the poor, oppressed, hopeless, and those that society had forsaken. 

Think about it. Do you know another god so interested in the welfare of humans that they give up the glories of their heavenly thrones to became human?
And if by some chance their was another story of such a god, did this other god come in the humblest way possible - born to a poor virgin, with a homeland conquered and occupied by ruthless foreigners, and their birthing table a stable floor? Are their testments to a God with greater gentleness, holiness, humility and wrath?
What other immortal real or imagined cares about humanities selfmade plights and grueling misfortunes?

The Bible tells us this God does. 

And His desire/command/intent is that we be like Him in that way. We are commanded to love one another with the same kind of love He had for us. This love is not an ethereal loose thing but tangible, solid, and firm. It’s love with action. It’s built on blood and sweat, suffering and waiting, obedience and sacrifice.

It was my need that drew me to Him and it does still when I allow myself to remember it. Need is not something we should allow ourselves to push aside or forget, but I think vulnerability is something so hard to bear much less show to others, that we forget it’s ever-present reality. 
What made you first fall in love with Him? 
Remember your first love today and my we never forget Him again. xo

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