Friday, August 2, 2013

our many tears

Words...are so inadequate...they just don't do justice...never come close to capturing the depth of...I who love words find them failing me...only tears say it all

Our many tears - sorrow, pain, grief,

I plead with you happenstance reader, don't wait, for God sake's don't wait! to bring love into this world, to acknowledge when love is present, to taste and savor love as it's before you. None of us ever really grasp our lasting impact but we all have one, one way or another. In the actual moment we often can't see but hopefully we are granted sight to see before our end all the love in our big small life.

What could be a greater privilege than to know you added love, kindness, comfort, and beauty to this difficult fleeting often inhospitable marble?

A wonderful success story to have loved anything more than you loved greatest hope for us all.

Rest In Peace dear friend xo

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