Wednesday, March 6, 2019

I consent

Consent - verb 1. give permission for something to happen.

The concept of consent has been on my mind recently. I think it's a good thing that society is talking about consent when it comes to sex. Yes is yes. No is no. Stop means stop. But I think it needs to go even further than what one will consent to physically because it's also what one agrees to consent to emotionally, mentally, etc.

I know it's not "cool girl" to say that sex is emotional just as much as it is physical. Some may even scoff at the thought that that sex and feelings have to related. But the truth is we are beings with emotions and we all have a deep longing for connection. It's evolutionary that we are designed for relationship. Love, acceptance, safety - these are basic human needs. Lust, infatuation, desire - these are basic human passions.

When you find yourself in a situation where you are asking for or offering consent - take it to the next level. You are not just dealing with someone's physical and sexual expectations/limits/comfort but with their emotional expectations/limitations/comfort as well. Consent is defined as giving permission for something to happen. Giving permission. When you say I consent in the dark make sure you know what that means and also what it doesn't mean in the light of day. xo

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