Tuesday, April 16, 2019

a JOY that can't be taken

"So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you." John 16:22

There are not many joys that last forever. Some joys are overtaken by the sorrows and sufferings of this world. Some joys become like ashes in our mouths when it is found that it was founded on untrue love and broken promises. Some joys are stolen by the grueling unstoppable hand of time.

There are not many joys that last forever.

Jesus promises a joy that no one can take away. A bliss that can't be blighted by the many sufferings of this world. An exuberance that no human being - whether it be a king or dictator, lover or enemy, friend or foe - can seize from you. A delight that time cannot diminish or dull.

What is this joy He is talking about?

John 16 is an amazing chapter. It's primarily all red - filled to the brim with the words of Jesus. He starts with a frank warning that dangerous murderous times are coming for His followers. His motives in speaking so plainly: "I have said all these things to keep you from falling away." (John 16:1) He speaks truly about the harsh realties coming for Himself (foreshadowing His being seized, arrested, and executed) and the sorrow His followers will feel at the loss of His physical, bodily presence. He counters those realities with a promise that these horrors are to our advantage because He will send a Helper.

The joy that Jesus references - this joy that no one will take away - is the joy of Jesus' resurrection.

Sorrows didn't define Him.
Suffering didn't defeat Him.
Death didn't destroy Him.

He said "I will see you again."  I will see you again after, after my earthly followers and spiritual brothers abandon me, after I am wrongfully tried and convicted, after I am mocked and mutilated, after I am crucified in agony - after, I will see you again. He foreshadowed that this seeing of Him resurrected, alive, glorified - will bring a rejoicing that is never-ending. "It is finished" He proclaimed from the cross. The question of unending joy has always been, "Do you see Him?" I plead with all of us to embrace the only joy that can't be taken; there is no joy like Jesus. xo

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