Thursday, January 27, 2011

unshackle me: freedom from facebook

Is Facebook making us sad? is an article I stumbled upon and it is like I wrote it myself. I mean I get this article. If you are living in the digital age this article should be mandatory reading. It speaks to me because it echos what I have been saying for sometime about Facebook and actually it articulates it in a way I probably never could. If you are a Facebook lover now may be the time to avert your eyes. It is no secret that I... well... rather loath Facebook actually. There, I have posted it for the world to see. (Baby steps steps...) Not that I or anyone should have to apologize for their feelings; it's what one does with their feelings that needs to be explained but I digress.

It is of course common to love what agrees with our own views and disdain what does not. Self-affirming things are preferable to things that challenge us or disagree but it is of course things dissenting with our opinion and view that ultimately stretch and grow us. Well rounded individuals hear both sides of arguments, seek out the big picture, the reality of a situation. (George W if you are reading that is for you. There is nothing wrong with surrounding yourself with some dissenting opinion and if you are a President of the USA it should be mandatory. But again I digress...)

On the heels of this article, I give a shout out to fellow Facebook wounded. You are not alone if you have felt "sad" after a scroll through Facebook "news." You are not crazy. You are not a bitter and cruel harpy. I ask what will you do about it? Will you continue this self-destructive pattern, thinking that next time you log on it will be different than the other 100 times before or will you "unplug" and live life with the eyes you were born with instead of the eyes the virtual illusionary world Facebook has sold to you?

-Pause from my Norma Ray Matrix speech to agonize about deleting myself from Facebook...should I do it? Can I?? If I tell others its OK to back off, why then do I struggle to delete it? Shouldn't I delete it? Why not, if people know me they know my cell or my email...there is no reason why they shouldn't be able to communicate with me if they want to. Yes...yes...why leave the option open for temptation; 99% of the time regret it when I succumb to logging on...what is this hold Facebook has over me? Why this deep turmoil inside? It shouldn't have this much power. There in lies the answer. 

Goodbye Facebook. It's been the longest breakup of my life.

Free at last! Thank God almighty, free at last!

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