Tuesday, January 25, 2011

meaning means everything

Start of a post I didn't publish, dated 12/29/10: Here is one more thing I love about Jesus: human semantics didn't fool him. One of His criticism against the Pharisees is that they followed the letter of the law without following the heart of the law. Matthew 23:23, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others." What Jesus was saying is that we are more prone to follow the letter of the law but not the intent behind the law. The carnal nature cares more about spices than people. It is easier for us to tithe out material goods than it is to tithe spiritual goods like love and mercy. We need God's power working through us to do the good we ought to do and that is the reason why we struggle. We don't naturally want to turn to God, depend on God, be longsuffering through trial like God; those things just don't appeal to the mind humanly concerned.

Sorry for not posting anything in a month! Geeze! Happy New Year, welcome 2011! (OMG it is 2011) I was going to get rid of the draft above and start fresh but it is a fitting beginning to a topic that is on my mind. I am referring to the Rahm Emanuel Chicago Mayoral Fiasco. Though he owns a house in the city of Chicago and even though the reason he wasn't residing in the house this past year was because we was working at the behest of the President of United States who happens to be a former senator from IL - the IL judicial system has thus far ruled him ineligible to run for Mayor. He is way ahead of ALL other candidates in the polls. Bill Clinton has stumped for him for gosh sakes! I mean what more does a democratic candidate need. I think he should be allowed to run. If he is allowed to vote in the mayoral election than he should be allowed to run in it as well. All these haters who know Rahm's running is their doom need to reevaluate their lives. I think this is a classic case of people clinging to the letter of law but not the heart of the law.

OK political rant done... now for some breakfast...

1 comment:

  1. Update: This just goes to show you, what do I know about anything. Chicago is a mess, no better than it ever was. Maybe even worse for all we really know about Chicago corruption. I can concede that Rham like so many politicans is another disappointment.
