Monday, December 10, 2018


"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

We tend to take things for granted in life either because we have never had to be without them or we did not have to struggle to obtain them. Some things we can't remember ever having been without. The history of something having always been there can give the false impression that it will always be, but most things in life will fade away under the grueling hand of time.

I naively perhaps hope that some things in life are ever-present guarantees though I know many realities that don't match my hope. For example, a parents love should be ever-present for their child and spouses love and faithfulness should be ever-present for their significant other, but I know this is not the case for many.

Ever-present help. Ever-present refuge. Ever-present strength. If you don't have trouble now then you can be sure it is coming. How blessed we are that we have a God who is strong and present. Cry out to Him; He is an ever-present help in trouble. xo

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