Friday, December 3, 2010

virtually lost

I am starting this blog because of the encouragement of a dear friend. We were lost to each other for a time but found each other once again.

I am starting this blog because there are others like me who feel lost in this virtual world of facebook, myspace, twitter and text messaging. Emily Post gave rules of etiquette, a guideline of conduct if you will, a base line point of reference but this evolving virtual world of ours has no etiquette compass. Together we will examine what social decorum looks like in our technology ridden world of the PC, cell phone and Internet.

I am starting this blog because introverts can have extroverted adventures and vice versa. May we shed the labels and personality profiling that pigeon hold us and see the depth and diversity each one of us brings to the table just by being who we are right now.

I am starting this blog because its about time I stopped thinking about starting a blog and started one already. Take that procrastination! Life is made up of things we share with one another. Maybe your reading this and we know each other or maybe your reading this and we have never met. It is my belief that the sharing of words, ideas, thoughts and memories can create connection. May this be a connection in your life.

1 comment:

  1. I love this my friend! Glad we kept our pact ;)

    Your writing is so good! It's polished, creative, and honest. I can't wait to read more.

    So I'm back on facebook. Let's see how I survive this round of virtual friendship. It's funny because it seems like the people who are most excited are my real life friends. You know the ones who contacted me even when I was away from facebook. Weird. I love that you're talking about this concept.

    I can't wait to read more! Keep up the great writing.

