Tuesday, December 21, 2010

virtual rule #2

Virtual Rule #2: Don't throw people away

The deleting of contacts from cell phone and facebook is not allowed. If you can't remember what they look like they can be deleted; if you can remember what they look like then leave them alone. This rule will prevent any need for later regret. In a moment of social self-loathing, the passive aggressive deleting of a contact may seem like a way of having control, but the feeling doesn't last. I say this from experience. Also, there is nothing so painful as to realize you have been cut out of someones life by discovering they have "de-friended" you. Who takes the time to do that?!? Who takes the time to go through their list of facebook friends and pick someone off? I don't get it.

In this age of disposable we need this rule. We need a rule to tell us the people aren't like the toaster or the home computer. People aren't disposable. People aren't something you use up and then decide your done with. People aren't objects to be collected on a list. People are living breathing image bearers, don't treat them like anything less. If the relationship is broken or floundering don't write them off and give up on them. Reach out to them even if all that means is staying away from the erase button.

What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I agree dear! Although guiltily and regrettably I deleted a bunch of random people after I came back to facebook. I was on a deleting binge. After I started getting into the hang of it, the click of the delete button became a deleting high!

    But then I felt guilty a few days later. I've already asked at least three people back and have been asked back by at least two. It's funny because I have NO IDEA why I deleted the ones I did. I had no rhyme or reason to my madness. I just went through and started picking people off at random.

    So Yes dear! I agree! It hurts so much to see you're no longer in someones "list of friends." It feels like they've passive-aggressively deleted you from their lives. And that just hurts!

    Love you!
