Tuesday, December 21, 2010

words aren't merely letters

"Words can wound the heart deeply" and I add to that so can silence. The absence of words can wound the heart just as much as a torrent of them. I remember hurtful things people have said to me; I also remember times when I needed a protector in words in action and there was only silence. Today I have been thinking of people who champion causes. If you're a champion of a cause you are vocal about the cause -  you see the problem and you care about the solution. I want to champion the cause of the racially oppressed, the economically squeezed, the emotionally abused, the physically tortured, the relationally barren...on and on and on - all for the glory of God.

While listening to Christmas songs sung by Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra, I wonder if their velvety voices projecting words of love to Christ really loved Him. I don't sing well and rarely in tune but that doesn't matter when it comes to sincere praise, does it. God says no where, "Only professional praise allowed." Honesty, sincerity, and purity are what God sees as beautiful. I went to a church service recently and sat towards the front. All the voices in song coming from behind me were such a joy and encouragement to me. Hearing the person next to me voice lifted up in song was so edifying -there aren't words to describe.

Well chosen words can wound or heal; may we use them to their fullest.

1 comment:

  1. Love this Owl! Someone once said to me, I think it was Alisha but could have been a pastor ;) anyhow someone great once said to me that the music changes between leaving our mouths and entering God's ears. Something like that. Anyhow God hears things differently than we hear them. HE only hears our hearts. So I say SING LOUDLY to God if you love him and sing quietly if you don't.

    I'm going to have to try sitting in the front row soon!

