Friday, March 22, 2013

unfolding your words

 The unfolding of your words gives light... (Psalm 119:130 ESV)

The idea of words as something that can be unpacked, unwound - is very interesting to me. First thing that came to mind with the word "unfolding" was fabric. Admitting that I enjoy domestic type tasks makes me the worst feminist ever probably, but I have daydreamed with pleasure about doing the laundry of my future. Yup, you read right, I daydream about my future laundry. I dream of my laundry being all mixed together with my significant others - the suds and bubbles, the feel of their warmth from the dryer, of me folding theoretical t-shirts with the greatest of pride. I'm not kidding. I really do dream that intricately. With the right perspective, the most banal of tasks becomes the most significant and treasured.

I lost my train of thought. Where was I going with this?

Ah yes..."The unfolding of your words gives light." Words do unfold. Words can be revealing, they can unravel us and others. Words can help to bind people together and also be what tears them tragically apart. Words can be like weights, the hurtful things said to us can remain long after the physical echo of their uttering has died. Words can be like lifelines, "a light for us in dark places when all other lights go out."

I have hopes. Here's one: Like so manys have been to me, I hope my words are a light to those who read them. xo

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