Tuesday, April 23, 2013

bad liberal?

Am I a bad liberal? It was recently pointed out to me that for a "liberal" I seem pretty unamazed and lacking in pride over our current President. Something to the effect of "he's black so liberals have to be happy" was insinuated.

This may be great or incredibly naive of me, but when I look at our President the first thing I see is our President - I don't think African American or black. His race just doesn't weigh in as a factor for me. The question I ask is, should it? Shrugging shoulders here because I really don't know. I don't think of the President as black, I simply think of him as our President, period.

I can't know what it's like to be black in America. I can't imagine all the emotions, struggles, challenges and difference they face in their lives compared to mine. I just don't know and I wouldn't presume to understand their or anyone else's feelings. All that hoopla over Michelle Obama's "...first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country..." comment, never got to me because I can't understand her feelings and I would never seek to say she was wrong to feel the way she did.


Yes it's historic that he's our first black President but to me that doesn't mean he gets a free liberal pass on all his policies. Does ALL critical thinking have to go out the window when progress in ONE area is made? I think he has tried to work with a Congress that refuses to work with him. I think he's done what he could with what he had to work with regarding health care reform. I think he's tried to be a thoughtful contemplative President. I am truly thankful for that.... it's just... I'm hungry for more bigger and better changes. I want universal affordable quality health care like other Western countries have. I want better educational policies for our current citizens. I know we have problems when it comes to the whole illegal residency issue. It's not going to be an easy fix; I myself don't even know how I feel or what the solution is, but I want something to be actually resolved regarding the issue, and the proverbial can to stop being kicked down the road. I want assault weapons banned; no one needs one. I want a major reexamination of our electoral process and election policies because the money spent on them is ridiculous. I want a major overhaul in our prison and legal system; its insane the policies we currently have and the role race plays in them. I could go on with wants but you get the idea.

As a liberal, why am I not allowed the right to be disappointed when I think my President has fallen short in some area? I think he hasn't done enough at times to protect our civil liberties and be transparent. I think he's been sometimes too willing to surrender to Republican nasty threats. I think he sometimes picks the wrong issues to be bold over because he's either out of touch or just unwilling to go out on an unpopular limb.

So, am I a bad liberal? I really don't think so, I think I'm just an unusual one. I see my President as a human being, imperfect and flawed as I or anyone else can be. Perhaps the traditional view of "liberal" doesn't apply to me. Give me your definition and I'll tell you mine. ;)

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