Wednesday, April 24, 2013

many kinds of clouds

It was pointed out to me recently that there are different types of clouds. I guess that's probably common knowledge and rather blatant but it was an interesting realization to me. The technical aspects involved in cloud formation are over-my-head (I know, "tee-hee" eye rolling :)
Exodus 16:10 says, "...the glory of the LORD appeared in the cloud" and I say, it still does. Look up - whether they're cumulo, strato, nimbo - God's glory is in them. Even more remarkably, the glory of God is in us. The glory that we see reflected in the marvels and beauty of nature is a part of who we are; we were made in His image and were made to glorify our Maker. Too easily this is forgotten: don't let it be. xo

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