Saturday, February 5, 2011

todays post yesterday

Pigeon with Green Peas - Pablo Picasso
You know what I have come to love about blogging? It's the edit button. I hate finding mistakes in my writing but I love that I can fix them. The whole world is a freaking mess-grammatically and otherwise-but I have it in my power to fix these errors right hear, I mean here. I suppose you could chalk it all up to my having a perfectionist streak; this streak is a double edged sword. There is nothing wrong with wanting to put out the best material you can but when perfectionism comes into play, the wellspring of creativity dries up pretty quickly. Another thing I love about blogging, is that it affords me control over time. I can create something today and give it a date of the past. This is a role we really get no where else for our real lives don't allow such time revisions. Where we were, we were, and what happened to us at a specific point in time happened at that specific point in time, but here on Blogger I can say I thought of all this and finished writing about it before the stroke of midnight. Time is mine to manipulate and falsify.

Composition IV - Wassily Kandinsky
I am intimidated by "The Greats"-the great writers, painters, composers, and sculptors-all the artists who have gone before and that exist around me. They have contributed so much to the story of humanity. What they chiseled in words and marble, what they painted in watercolor and the musical notes the record outlived them and will outlive all of us. I remember going to the art museum and after a couple hours of seeing great works of art, it all started blurring together. I became anesthetized to the beauty and skill of the works I was seeing. I feel kind of bad for art that is shown towards the exit; does it get the appreciation it deserves?

The Blue Window - Henri Matisse
To all out there: keep doing whatever you are doing. If its writing, keep writing. If its painting, keep painting. If its playing the accordion, keep playing the accordion. Don't worry that you aren't good enough. Don't worry that you aren't one of "The Greats." Don't worry when you type the wrong letter, use the wrong brushstroke or hit a flat note - keep going and keep looking at the art of others. Art isn't effortless but it can't be forced. Let your art appreciation be ever expanding. Art in its many mediums enhances all our lives. There is truth in this quote of G.K. Chesterton, "Art consists of limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame."

All the art on this posting is from 100 years ago, 1911.

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