Wednesday, May 29, 2013

risks calculation/pains scale

-People get hurt, they shut down.
-Till the pain goes away?
-I don't know. Maybe you just learn to take it in like everything else.
-the movie Message In a Bottle

"Take the thousand and give it to the one who risked the most. And get rid of this "play-it-safe" who won't go out on a limb. Throw him out into utter darkness."
-Matthew 25:28 (The Message)

Physical, emotional, relational - there are different kinds of pain. Sometimes our pain comes from a single wound and sometimes it can just hurt all over. Sometimes our pain is obvious and clearly visible and other times it's hidden so well that even a close observer wouldn't know just how much we're suffering. Sometimes pain is inflicted upon us by others purposefully or by their unintentional negligence. We can at times compound our pain, adding to it blame and self loathing that we should have known better, we should've done things differently, not allowed ourselves to be so vulnerable. Upon our beating we beat ourselves; the initial blow can't match the punishment we self inflict. 
Pain is real. It's not all bad. Hurt instead of being a curse, can be a clue. Without pain telling you that you've cut your finger or that you've touched something that's too hot - the damaged caused could be more severe, even life-threatening. Pain in many ways is a gift. It indicates that something needs attention. If we shutdown to avoid feeling pains hurtful sting, we also miss feeling loves hopeful light. 
Our pain speaks. What is yours saying to you?

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