Monday, April 4, 2011

lion or lamb: marching on

March is done. I wanted to do a post before March ended, hence the post title but sometimes things get away from us. Like the song says, "You can't always get what you want." I remember a saying about the month of March, something like if it comes in like a lion it will go out like a lamb and vice versa. I can't remember what the weather was like when March started nor when it ended (dementia being what it is), all I can say is that I am really glad March is done.

Spring is the time of renewal and birth and I feel that those things are happening for me. I feel parts of myself coming back to life; like a seed having laid dormant all winter starting to sprout or a bear waking from hibernation, I feel hope flowing in my veins again. I feel like the distance I have put between myself and life is lessening. I feel a returning to the better parts of who I used to be and a greater understanding and realization of the bad parts.

"By yourself you're unprotected.
   With a friend you can face the worst..." Ecclesiastes 4:12 (The Message)

I am counting blessings and I can feel the heavy weight of grievances falling away. I'm looking for the good because there is good. The above verse is true and I will never forget it again. I thank God for the real friendships I have; standing the test of distance and time and life. I will not dwell one more second on people I don't understand, on people who have hurt me. I am taking the advice of Paul, Romans 12:18, "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." I can do nothing about the actions and behavior of others but as much as it depends on me I will be kind, be patient, be loving and I will do it for my King who I love and who loves me. I will rejoice through my tears for great is The One who saves me though I don't deserve it.

Whatever lioness roaring storm or conflict,
Whatever innocent, peaceable lamb like moment,
I will march on, held in the hand of God,
While holding the hands of fellow friends.

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