Saturday, April 23, 2011

what are we fighting for?

There are different kinds of fighters in this world. There are firefighters who brave burning buildings and put out scorching flames. There are boxers who train their bodies to not just give a physical beating but to take one. Some fight for personal glory, some for national pride. Some fight battles within themselves.

Fighting is such a part of life. We fight to survive. We fight to provide. We fight to thrive. We fight the daily grind. We fight the asphalt jungle. We fight the traffic and the crowds. We fight for a parking space. We fight the battle of the bulge. We fight poverty. We fight AIDS. We fight cancer. I am so tired of fighting. Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 6:12, "Fight the good fight of the faith" but honestly, sometimes I am so exhausted from fighting all the other battles occurring inside the span of a twenty-four hour day the idea of taking on another fight is overwhelming. I was thinking on the drive home the other day about how exhausting this life of fighting can be and it made me wonder, "What are we supposed to fight for?"

Does Jesus call us to fight for Him? Does He call his followers to fight for his name to be believed and respected? If He does call us to fight for Him, in what way does He want us to do it? Certainly not with swords and clubs, nor with anger and malice. Right before Paul writes "Fight the good fight of the faith", he wrote to Timothy, "But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness." Gentleness now there is word like salve to the heart wounded and weary from a life filled with fighting. Jesus is a gentle man and a gentle King. Think about his patience and humility, his faith and strength. He had no armor of steel or iron, He had not a visible throne from which to make important decrees, He was not clothed in fine garments nor adored with precious stones - yet He fought the biggest battle ever, the battle for the human soul. In a certain sense you could say it wasn't even His fight; He having nothing himself to atone for took upon himself our fight for atonement. He took on a battle he knew we could never win ourselves and one it for us. Think about Him today and think of what a true fighter is.

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