Friday, April 22, 2011

virtual rule #10

Virtual Rule #10: complete sentences+complete words = A Completed Thought

I like shortcuts as much as the next person. If I can shave some time off a project and still get the same result as if going the long way around, I am giddy. Case in point, I try to send a text message of God centered encouragement everyday. I love the challenge of conveying a big thought or truth into a 160 character space text message. It is amazing how many times it works out to be exactly 160 character spaces but there are times when I have gone way over the 160 character limit. When this happens abbreviations & symbols become a vital lifeline. I say all this to show that I do appreciate abbreviations BUT I think we are using them too often and unnecessarily.

I know the whole point of text messaging is to keep communication short and concise but not everything can be condensed down into an abbreviation; sometimes you are going to have to type the whole word out (or imagine this CALL THE PERSON!). When your communication can't be understood there is a problem. This is going to sound possibly silly but, "Say what you are saying." Communicate what is going on, what you want to happen, what you need to happen - and if there is an inconsistency between these three things, acknowledge it and seek out an effective remedy.

Example scenario: Two friends have plans to meet up for lunch. One of the friends has a migraine and cannot even open her eyes without pain. She wants to have lunch but realistically needs to reschedule. Hemming and hawing is not going to fix the situation. A decision needs to be made and then that decision needs to be communicated. A text of: "Sorry but I can't make lunch. Bad migraine today, can't move. Can we reschedule 4 next week?" It's really that easy. Don't belabor the point and drag it on. Don't wait till 30 minutes before meeting to cancel. Just say what you need to say plain and promptly.

Use abbreviations only to the extent that the communication being rendered is still effective and completely able to be understood. Don't dance around an issue either. If the recipient of a message scratches their head in puzzlement and has to get out an interpreting guide and Ouija board than communication methods need to be examined. Be clear. Be concise. Be kind.

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