Thursday, April 14, 2011

unfathered bothered

I said to a fellow fatherless friend,
"It bothers me that she had baby.
(1) She's a Christian she has said.
(2) She's not married.
(3) She has had a baby.
It's like the puzzle worksheets from school:
Which one of these things doesn't belong?
I am not convicting her but I feel so convicted for her?
Does that make any sense?
Am I crazy to be bothered?"

"Everyone has faults, everyone has weaknesses."
"Its not an uncommon thing anymore."
"There is nothing that can be done."
"People have to do whats right for them."
"It's not our place to judge only love."

Now I am more bothered.
On behalf of fellow unfathered,
Especially the new and young, 
Too small to know how far they'll have yet to come.

Will doughnuts with dad be a thing of wonder?
Will last name differences be a weight to be under?
Forget what the unbelieving do, it is not a blunder;
They have no faith that is shown to be going asunder.
Pursuing passion in unholy ways;
Whatever reason for dark days.

A new life comes!!
May they be considered more than just another sum!
May the women not remain ho-hum!
May the world not remain numb!
Let all life come!
Ignoring the problem is just dumb!
Listen for the timing of God's drum!
Don't easily succumb! 

Thank God! that he takes the foolish things of the world and with them shames the wise. Thank God! that he uses all things in the end for the good of those who love him BUT do not make that an excuse to use other people as scratching posts for your physical pleasure. Make God's sovereignty not an excuse to be selfish. God's goodness is not a game for he will not fail to be good and do good BUT God has shown that creating life is no joking matter. As he is responsible for what he has made, so are we. Consider this well before diving down the rabbit hole of promiscuity, fornication and sexual immorality. I use harsh words for true realities.
Think of the child that could be created by your actions. Would the situation this new life is being created in be God honoring? Care for your unmade potential child more than you care for gratifying your lusts.

Examine your heart.
With creation comes responsibility.
There is a bond between intimacy and commitment.
Don't allow for just another statistic.

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